COSTARS PA: Doing Business With Geiger Through COSTARS PA

“COSTARS PA is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s cooperative purchasing program,” according to the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) who established the program.

This program creates a list of suppliers awarded contracts by the PA DGS that eligible local public procurement units (LPPUs) within the Commonwealth can choose to do business with outside of the normal long, open and competitive contracting environment. Since COSTARS Suppliers were awarded contracts through the Commonwealth’s competitive bidding process, COSTARS procurements made by LPPUs and state-affiliated entities are compliant with the cooperative purchasing requirements under the Commonwealth Procurement Code for local government purchasing.

How To Do Business With Geiger Through COSTARS PA?

Geiger Pump & Equipment, as a COSTARS Supplier, offers Components/Equipment & Services for Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants, including:

  • Blowers
  • Chemical Feed
  • Components and Systems
  • Distribution System Equipment
  • Grinders
  • Grit Removal Equipment
  • Pumps
  • Scrapers
  • Sludge Presses
  • Valves

To purchase from COSTARS or a selection of Statewide Contracts, you must first register with the Department of General Services. If your registration is approved you will receive a Member ID for your organization. Once you receive your Member ID, you can search for contracts here

Who Can Participate in COSTARS as a Member Entity?

Member eligibility is reserved for either local public procurement units (LPPUs) and state-affiliated entities.

DGS defines LPPUs as:

  • “Any political subdivision (local government unit), such as a municipality, school district or commission
  • Any public authority (including authorities formed under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1955 or other authorizing legislation, such as the Public Transportation Law or the Aviation Code)
  • Any tax-exempt, nonprofit educational institution or organization
  • Any tax-exempt, nonprofit public health institution or organization
  • Any nonprofit fire company, rescue company, or ambulance company
  • Any other entity that spends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, and construction (such as council of governments or an area government, or an organization that receives public grant funds)”

DGS defines state-affiliated entities as “a Commonwealth authority or other Commonwealth entity that is not a Commonwealth agency.” This includes the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, Pennsylvania Higher Education Facilities Authority and more.

What Is The Advantage of Purchasing Through COSTARS?

Local government and nonprofit organizations can save thousands of dollars by leveraging the state’s purchasing program. These savings can apply to a wide range of purchases including the necessary municipal equipment required in engineered systems for:

  • Pressure Gas Boosting
  • Chemical Feed Systems
  • Vacuum Priming Systems
  • Seal Water Systems
  • Monitoring and Control
  • Custom Engineered Solutions

Ultimately the PA COSTARS Program allows purchases of these products and others to be made quickly, saving your team valuable time and manpower used to write specs, analyze bids and more.

Do you have a project you want to purchase through COSTARS? Contact our team to get started.